Saturday, March 20, 2010

SPA please..

Lamanye xpergi massage..this time around gue memang sangat2 perlukan body massage. Kalau la gue kaya raya memang gue dh hire satu bibik bayekk punyer yg tugas dia utk massage gue & mak gue je..hahaha...mak sure suke giler nih sebab mmg dia dari dulu lagi dok berangan nk ada bibik yg tolong urut kaki dia bebila dia lenguh :P (like mother like daughter..kuat berangan)

Rasa nk g ajak osmate g cari tempat massage arini. Dia sure nak at the same time gue cm rasa nk g tengok osmate satu lagi & team gue main bowling...mana satu nihhh...xpe..turun dulu g borak2 ngn diaorg pastu br decide. Come on Ferrari...we can do it!!!

Morning all..

Its only 7.20am..lepas subuh td terus xtido dh...macam ni la gue punye ujg minggu, org lain memang pulun tido cukup2 tp gue mmg macam mana sikit tido the night before pon siang mesti bgn awal n x tido lg. I enjoy weekend so much..appreciate every hour left. Haha..tu sebab mak sayang gue :P (perasan...) klu gue balik umah sure mak akan ajak gue buat mcm2 activiti la di pagi hari..I miss mak & abah sooo much...sabar ye, lagi 10 hari anak mu ini akan pulang.

Hari ni my 'abang' will go for his field trip at KK..ikut jarak mcm dh dekat ngn tempat gue skg ni tp still x membantu pon, he will be busy with the activities line up and it is only 2 days trip so memenatkan klu nk jumpa...never mind dear..I'll see you in 10 days as well la ok..

Netball fever

Though I hate this game very much but I'm still have to play for my team sbb mungkin aku agak bertenaga la (padahal rules hancur)..seriusly this games makes my whole body aching..huhu

We had a match yesterday & today..Won 2 games & Lost 2 games...ponekkk nk mampuiihhh...banyak team mate yg injured and they do not allow me to rest..we end up with 3rd place..thats fine..better than last year.

I did some angry shout to my own team mate during the game..which makes me feel bad until now..I'm sorry geng, it was just my emotional moment..mungkin terlalu penat+bengang dgn budak2 yg blah dr game cmtu je smpi team kita xde substitute..huhu..but its ok..cuba lagi next year..jgn simpan dlm hati yer :P
The only best thing for me main netball 2-3 hari ni adalah...WEIGHT LOSS...haha..I just achieved another good milestone...keep it up!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A good swing day

Hari ni bermula dgn batuk2 & minor flu yg sangat menggangu kecergasan minda & tubuh early as 9am, i start to search for old stock of medicine yg left over dolu2 kt ofis..i dont find cough med but only flu and it was purchased at pharmacy. So i took it ans continue work as usual..xsampai 1jam..i started to fell high...swing...nape hihh?? Then suddenly it pop ed on my mind that i do not check first whether the med can cause drowsiness or not...abis laaa...sah la ni satu hari ni sure swing je kepala nih..

Towards the end of the day ok la sikit coz lawan jugak swing feeling ni..g main squash (i really s*cks in squash...damn...kna bnk2 training lg). After that we went to chicken wings stall for dinner. It was a good environment at night as the wind sweeps to my face gently and no sound pollution from speed boaters..

During makan, we were talking on how to generate more money and not to just depend on monthly ciput salary. As a person who are doing quite well in 'unit trust' fo course Ely does have his back up plan..on the other hand gue sama Shally mana ada plan sgt, plan tu ada but execution tu yg payah sikit...suddenly Ely came out with brilliant business idea for me..tantaraaaa....xpe..nnt gue wat research dulu pasal idea ni...klu dh firm kang br leh share ngn sume org.. :P

p/s: thanks Ely...u r one nice, sweet, positive & good hearted guy..may you get all the happiness that you deserved from your fiance...aminn...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

jom tido awal..

I felt sooo tired tonite...mebi sbb sh berhari2 exercise and keje lately ni pon semakin alhamdulilah la kerja2 tu sume so far still di tahap yg belh handel la...and i enjoy the non-official business part...kadang2 rasa cm gue ni salah kerjaya kot sebenarnye..i should be an event organizer...hehehe...
ok la...mlm ni xleh ckp banyak...btul2 ngantuk ni..
i miss my boo very much today...nite2 boo..

Monday, March 15, 2010

weight management - cont

huhu..i need strength & motivation to continue exercise and control food intake...bila pikir2..dh dekat bulan april ni...dulu janji ngn mak nk kurus by april...cmne ni...!!!

xpe..xpe..kate it step at a time..

skg ni gue target atleast 1 kg per week (cm susah je) or 2 kg per month pon dh kira cun la utk smpi bulan 9 nnt. But this 2 week i have to put extra effort to reduce at least another 2 kg before balik maklum la klu dh balik rumah tu..sume nampak nk bedal.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

weight management

As long as i could remember..i was never been called as a slim girl and constantly assigned as 'big bump' wide hip, pear shape...all sort of things la...smpi rasa lali dh n i even gain weight more once people start to make fun of me..but lately (especially when TV start to show the Biggest Loser show, I'm so motivated to reduce my weight and maintain healthy lifestyle..alamakk best la...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

banyak keje tp cari keje.. :p

Harini hari Jumaat dh...hari yang di nanti2 oleh semua sbb sok cutiiii... but before that, i have to go through my final..last..terakhir..presentation of my 90 days project in front of external panel who looks tough but actuarly nice. presentation invites positive comments and i felts so terribly & mentally relief. My hard work over the night and still not sleep until turn up well.. :) tak tau la brapa lama gue dapat bertahan sebab xtdo2 lg ni and yet i need to do some shopping for tomorrow's big family day. ..hahaha..before i forget..i drank KACIP FATIMAH this morning...gile x? haha..mula2 ingat kacip fatimah tu kopi yg di tambah kacip fatimah, rupa2nye macam livita..tu la, lain kali baca label betul2 dulu...
Ok..nk sambung keje lain gone..more to come :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the night after full moon

Hi..agak lambat jugak la aku menceburi bidang2 blogging nih, but wise man said its never too late for why not? I guess the strong reason behind my new hobby is for me to get myself discipline with writing and working on my brain...semakin berumur nih semakin lembab je rasa otak ni..dh la malas membaca..(but seriously i love to read APO!)..the only thing that i cant resist :P
So kepada sesape yg terbaca or mmg rasa nk baca blog ni...please excuse my language, grammer, manglish or mungkin jugak ada penggunaan bahasa yg agak kureng sket.
Well...I'm well known to my housemate & my 'abang' as a person who cant stop looking for a new hobby, do and try new things that could create fun or here is the list of latest hobbies & interest yg saya cuburi sejak dua tiga menjak nih:
1) Wedding scrap book ==> kengkononnye nak kumpul sume wedding concept & idea kt buku ni so that it could be easily explained when people asking me about my wedding concept. And i could be my collection of journey towards my Big Day as well. Osmate bakar gue suruh beli scrap book yg paling mahal di pasaran (bak kata bebudak art la..aku ape tau), pastu beli sticker2 fancy yg 6 hengget 1 pc nih & koyakkn la mana gambar2 yg berkenan dr majalah penganti gue..huhu..sayangnyer (T_T) & tampal. Hasilnya blom 100% siap, dh siap nnt gue upload gambar dlm blog ni.
2) Cubaan membuat bunga telur sendiri ==> memula berjaya la siapkn almost 200pcs gak, selepas penuh yakin & confidencenye, bawak la balik umah mak & seeking my mum's approval, kebetulan masa tu akak gue balik dr Oman...sekali gue bukak & tunjuk, depa pakat gelak terbahak2 punye mcm br lepas baca kartun Lambok APO! ... down giler gue 2 hari tuh..xpe..xpe..jgn putus asa, nnt gue beef-up lg design tu bg gempak..huhu
3) Cubaan menjahit beads kt baju kurung lama ==> hobby ni bermula bila geng2 opis reramai masuk kelas menjahit. Gue biasala, klu org buat nk gk buat. So pegi la sana sini cari beads utk jahit baju kurung lama yg gue identified as the best candidate fo my fearless sblm2 ni dh jahit 1 dah..jahit kat tangan baju merisik..jd tu memang jadi tp kecik je.
4) Cubaan nk buat serius business ==> FYI I've started a small business at office before this..gue bawak kerepek2 dr KL & jual kt kengkawan ofis yg suka mengunyah can gue. Alhamdullillah. the business is ok and still running as usual..berkat pertolongan osmate gak nih..Ok talking about serious bussiness, the progress is almost nothing as my potential sharing partner just had a few discussions and yet to do our homework. Nanti 1-2 hari lagu gue share la ngn korg ape business tu..mana tau korg ada better idea to help us.
Ok..its getting late..i have to work tomorrow, talk to you soon..gud nite.. wsalam.